This program was conceived as a basic format for increasing visibility, public communication and joining the activities performed within the working groups of ULUS since the beginning of 2020, aimed at the overall improvement of working conditions and status of artists.
Global pandemic of the coronavirus and the state of emergency helped make the already inadequate position of artists in the Republic of Serbia, whose working, social and professional rights have been degrading for decades, even worse. This situation, however, also made it possible for us to establish better cooperation and align the positions and demands with other associations representing work and professional interests of artists and culture workers, art syndicates, the academic sector etc., which contributed to creating better foundations for a more thorough consideration of these issues.
According to the four aspects we found to be crucial for the regulation of the position of artists, we formed four basic research groups: societal, working, social and tax research group. Starting point of research within each group were the existing laws defining mutually connected aspects of artistic work (Law on Culture, Labor Law, Law on Personal Income Tax and Compulsory Social Insurance, etc.), and the final aim of these activities would be to develop a set of propositions and recommendations for amendments to the legal acts thus improving the position of artists and their work rights. Besides the members of ULUS, representatives of other art associations, syndicates, experts in the field of Labor Law, cultural politics, economy etc. also joined this research. Each working group organized their own work dynamic, and the general coordination and planning was achieved through monthly meetings open to all participants in the program.