What is happening with a contemporary art practice during the lockdown, isolation and “a dispersion of the social”? What is the place of art in this pandemic time when it seems that people have acquired habits of obedience rather than habits of confinement, as Rancière powerfully argues. How to define a true emancipatory politics while distinguishing between various dominant populisms today, and what would be the role of an artistic practice for this act? Is there a likelihood within the filed of artistic endeavor of translating the state of exception into a more emancipatory act, perhaps as an art’s survival strategy and at the same time, its social responsibility?
December 4. 2021. 6 pm, online via Zoom
Jelena Stojanović (Art History, PhD), an arthistorian who researches and writes about contempopary art. Recipient of numerous fellowships such as the Getty Institute and the School of Criticism and Theory, and the Lazar Trifunović prize. Numerous text published among others includeA Revolution in New York (Project For)?TCPL, Ithaca, NY, 2016, Art-Laborcollaboration with Todd Ayoung, inThe Gulf: High Culture/ High Labor, OR Books, 2015, “ The Situationist InternatinalCold War, Comics and the Youth Question“ inComics and Politics, C.Bachmann Editions. 2014., Savremena umetnost i muzej Kritika političke ekonomije umetnosti, editor, Muzej savremene umetnosti, Beograd, 2013.
Svetlana Racanović (Art History PhD), an arthistorian, teaches at the Fakultet likovnih umjetnosti, Cetinje, od 2018. Since 1996. active as an art critic and curator of numerous art exhibitions in Montenegro and abroad, including both 51st. And 54th. Art Biennial inVenice.Recipšient of the Lazar Trifunovc prize for 2003.Published books inlude, Marina Abramović: Od reza do šava, Geopoetika, Beograd, 2019.; Milenijumski bag?!–Crnogorska umjetnička scena oko 2000: Prestupnička koalicija kritike i prakse, Centar savremene umjetnosti Crne Gore, Podgorica, 2009.
Maja Stanković (Art History,PhD),received her doctoral degree in art history at the Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Department of Modern art in 2013.She is a professor of art history at the Fakultet za medije i komunikacije Univerziteta Singidunum, department of Digital arts.She is the author of numerous texts published in scientific journals, exhibition catalogues. Her book Fluidni kontekst. Kontekstualne prakse u savremenoj umetnosti, was published in 2015 by FMK, Beograd.
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