Utorak, 26. septembar u 18 časova.
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Dekolonizacija postsoroševskog pejzaža: otkrivanje projekta i izložbe „The Influencing Machine”
Događaj predstavlja i moderira Maja Ćirić, MCpresento, u saradnji sa ULUS-om.
Umetnički paviljon Cvijeta Zuzorić 1, Mali Kalemegdan, Beograd, Srbija
Utorak, 26. septembar u 18 časova.
18:00 Prezentacija Arona Moultona
19:00 Panel diskusija sa Aronom Moultonom, Miškom Šuvakovićem i Vladanom Jeremićem
Sorošova velika finansijska prisutnost je neosporna istorijska datost u umetničko-političkoj sferi Istočne Evrope.Tragajući za dekolonizacijom, ili bar za neutralizovanjem kolonizacije, i odgovorom na pitanje kakokustoska praksa može da ponudi alternativno čitanje ovog feneomana, usmeravamo svoju pažnju na istraživanje Arona Moltona u oblasti indukovanih društveno angažovanih praksi i društvenog inženjeringa. U svojoj predstojećoj prezentaciji Moulton će razjasniti kako se njegovo istraživanje pokazalo kao filozofska osnova za izložbu, rasvetljavajući ujedno i složenosti u ovoj tački preseka. Osim toga, izlaganje će istražiti ulogu taktičkih medija koliko u ometanju toliko i u omogućavanju narativa o ovom spornom pitanju, konačno izazivajući i preoblikujući moćne strukture na delu u tom procesu.
Pripremite se da krenete na putovanje koje će otkriti enigmu društveno angažovane umetnosti u postsoroševskoj eri dok kustos Aron Moulton predstavlja “The Influencing Machineˮ. Veče će početi lucidnom prezentacijom Arona Moultona, nakon čega sledi dinamična diskusija koju će moderirati kustoskinja Maja Ćirić.
“The Influencing Machineˮ je više od izložbe; to je koloplet nezavisnih istraživanja, hronika ideja i prodorna intervencija u našu političku svest. Ovo duboko iskustvo otkriva tajne porekla društveno angažovane umetnosti, evoluciju kustoske prakse i rođenje taktičkih medija kao primenjene filozofije. Projekat duboko ulazi u složenu mrežu veza koja je besprekorno sinhronizovala novonastale obrasce ponašanja širom globalnog umetničkog pejzaža.
U centru ove priče leži enigmatična mreža Sorošovih centara za savremenu umetnost (SCCA), spontana konstelacija umetničkih centara nastala širom postkomunističke istočne Evrope tokom devedesetih godina XX veka. Poput NLO-a koji se spustio na zemlju, donela je avangardnu koncepciju „savremene umetnostiˮ usmerenu na izgon duhova Sovjetskog Saveza putem eliksira civilnog društva. Kao sila u borbi za demokratiju, nestala je gotovo isto tako brzo kako se pojavila, ostavljajući za sobom nasleđe koje će zauvek progoniti svet umetnosti u vidu prisilne filantropije, internacionalnih bijenala i uskog kruga kustosa.
Kustos Aron Moulton je hrabro postavio ovu provokativnu izložbu u Centru za savremenu umetnost u dvorcu Ujazdowski u Varšavi, u Poljskoj, tokom 2022. godine. Namera je bila da se pokrene dijalog o temi koja se čini skrivenom unutar globalne umetničke zajednice.
“The Influencing Machineˮ nije samo projekat; to je disruptivna sila koja se suprotstavlja konvencijama i izaziva naše razumevanje umetnosti i društvenog inženjeringa. Kao što umetnička industrija razobličava poreklo pop-arta, ova studija ogoljava prave korene društveno angažovane prakse. To je istorija koja zahteva dekolonizaciju.
Pridružite nam se u ULUS-u u utorak 26. septembra, u 18sati, dok kustos Aron Moulton iznosi duboke uvide stečene tokom “The Influencing Machineˮ. Diskusija koju će voditi Maja Ćirić, kustoskinja i umetnička kritičarka, uključivaće Miška Šuvakovića i Vladana Jermića koji će ponuditi svoje perspektive na ovo revolucionarno istraživanje.
“The Influencing Machine: Unveiling the Procedures Manualˮ biće dostupno za kupovinu, što vam omogućava da ponesete sa sobom deo ovog transformišućeg putovanja.
O Aronu Moultonu:
Potičući iz Los Anđelesa, Aron Moulton je kustos i antropolog čije istraživanje obuhvata kreativne izraze u zajednicama pokreta New Age, globalnu umetničku scenu i propagandne poduhvate. Moulton se ističe karijerom tokom koje je radio kao kustos u renomiranoj Gagosian Gallery, potom kao stariji kustos u Utah Museum of Contemporary Art i urednik časopisa Flash Art International. U saradnji sa svojom suprugom osnovao je Galerie Feinkost u Berlinu, predstavljajući umetnike iz regiona pokrivenog mrežom SCCA i mnoge koji su igrali ključne uloge u njoj. Projekat “Unearthing The Influencing Machineˮ prvobitno je ustalasao svet umetnosti u Galeriji Nikodim u Bukureštu 2019. godine. Pažljivo izrađenu najnoviju verziju objavio je Centar za savremenu umetnost Ujazdowski u Varšavi.
MCpresento Artists Talks, je nomadska platforma posvećena umetnicima i kustosima i njihovim umetničkim i kustoskim praksama u oblastima transhumanizma, posthumanizma i kibernetskog kapitalizma. Gosti su bili: Filip Kostić, Zorica Čolić, Dr Formalyst i Ivana Dama.
Decolonising the Post-Soros Landscape: „Unearthing the Influencing Machine“
Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzorić, 1 Mali Kalemegdan, Belgrade, Serbia
Tuesday, September 26th at 18:00.
6 PM Presentation by Aaron Moulton
7 PM Panel discussion with Aaron Moulton, Miško Šuvaković and Vladan Jeremić
The event is moderated and presented by Maja Ćirić, MCpresento in collabration with ULUS
Soros’ large financial presence is an undeniable historical fact in the artistic and political sphere of Eastern Europe. In the pursuit of decolonization, or at the very least, its neutralization, as well the answer to the question of curating can offer us an alternative angle to this phenomena, we turn our attention to Aaron Moulton’s research, which delves into the realm of artificially heightened socially engaged practices and social engineering. In his forthcoming presentation, Moulton will illuminate how his research has manifested as a philosophical underpinning for an exhibition, shedding light on the complexities that this intersection presents. Furthermore, the discourse will delve into the role of tactical media in both hindering and facilitating the narrative surrounding this contentious topic, ultimately challenging and reshaping the existing power structures in the process
Prepare to embark on a journey that will unravel the enigma of socially engaged art in the post-Soros era as curator Aaron Moulton presents „Unearthing The Influencing Machine.“ The evening will commence with an illuminating presentation by Aaron Moulton, followed by a dynamic discussion moderated by curator MajaĆirić.
„The Influencing Machine“ goes beyond a mere exhibition; it’s a veritable tapestry of independent research, a chronicle of ideas, and an incisive intervention into our political consciousness. This immersive experience unveils the clandestine origins of socially engaged art, the evolution of curatorial practice, and the birth of tactical media as an applied philosophy. It dives deep into the intricate web of networks that seamlessly synchronized these emergent behaviors across the global art landscape.
At the heart of this narrative lies the enigmatic Soros Center for Contemporary Art Network, a spontaneous constellation of art centers that emerged across post-Communist Eastern Europe during the ’90s. Like a UFO making landfall, it brought with it an avant-garde concept of „contemporary art“ aimed at exorcizing the specters of the Soviet Union through the elixir of civil society. A force for democracy, it vanished nearly as swiftly as it appeared, leaving behind a legacy that would forever haunt the art world through coercive philanthropy, international biennials, and a close-knit circle of curators.
In a bold maneuver, curator Aaron Moulton placed this thought-provoking exhibition inside the art world’s first „Right Wing Contemporary Art Museum“ at the Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, Poland, during 2022. The intention was to spark a dialogue about a subject seemingly shrouded within the global art community.
„The Influencing Machine“ isn’t just a story; it’s a disruptive force that defies conventions and challenges our comprehension of art and social engineering. Much like the art industry dissects the origins of Pop Art, this study lays bare the true roots of socially engaged practice. It’s a history that demands decolonization.
Join us at ULUS on Tuesday, September 26th at 18:00, as curator Aaron Moulton delves deep into the insights gained from „The Influencing Machine”. The discussion, led by curator MajaĆirić, will feature Miško Šuvaković and Vladan Jeremić, prominent figures from the art realm who will offer their perspectives on this groundbreaking research.
„Unearthing The Influencing Machine: Unveiling the Procedures Manual“ will be available for purchase, allowing you to carry home a piece of this transformative journey. Additionally, a captivating pop-up exhibition showcasing artworks crafted for „Unearthing The Influencing Machine“ will be on display, providing a visual feast for art connoisseurs.
About Aaron Moulton:
Hailing from Los Angeles, Aaron Moulton is a curator and anthropologist whose exploration spans creative expressions within New Age spiritual communities, the global art scene, and propaganda endeavors. Moulton boasts a distinguished career, having served as in-house curator for the esteemed Gagosian Gallery, senior curator at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art in Salt Lake City, and as an editor for Flash Art International. Alongside his wife, he founded Galerie Feinkost in Berlin, representing artists from the SCCA regions and many who played pivotal roles in the Network. „The Influencing Machine“ initially took the art world by storm at Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, in 2019. The latest iteration has been meticulously crafted and published by the Ujazdowski Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw.
MCpresento Artists Talks, a nomadic platform dedicated to artists and curators and their artistic and curatorial practices in the domains of transhumanism, posthumanism, and cybercapitalism. So farthe guests have been: Filip Kostić, Zorica Čolić, Dr Formalyst i Ivana Dama.