The exhibition is open for public view on 03. march form 19h
Duration of the exhibition
IN ALL DIRECTIONS / Andreja Krstić Chenipe
Exhibited works are produced in the last four years and they are representing tests of a new ideas in already tried materials, painted MDF and painted wall surface. Concept of the complete exhibition is based on the dimensions and spatial layouts of ambiental whole of ULUS gallery, and as such it cant be applied enywhere else without variation. Planing to pain on central wall of the gallery on the first day of the exhibition, have a motive , literally, to bring street art into gallery space. Ideal position of the painted work and gallery window and possibility to watch, from inside and outside, the working porcess to the final result is giving opportunity to viewer to meet the origin of the work. Combination of the wall painting and wall sculpture is giving a new dimension to the artwork and gallery space.
Being experienced with materials is providing an opportunity to experiments and to complite with forms in new ways.
I am most motivated by solving selfgiven artistic tasks, inspired by my imagination and perosnal perception of the surrounding. Process of the work, whose essence is transition of a medium into medium and again medium into medium, from the strating motive which is always a concrete scene or a term, it results in it ultimate form- the works, which become largely abstract. Seen or experienced scene (Arctic cirle, Greenlands icebergs, Finnish skies, Balinese black sand) are creating the feeling of infinity and pure freedom.
Title ‘’ In all directions’’ has defined process of all the artworks- decompoition of a scene on geometrical forms and rebuilding in abstract composition. The goal is to the audience wander off ‘’ in all directions’’ with the persona experinece of artwork in front of whom it is located. Whit this its provided an opportunity to creat a unique story and experience it personaly.